6 Ways to Turn First-Time Plumbing Customers Into Second-Time Sales

There is a huge demand for plumbers in Australia. This is welcome news if you are in the business. But succeeding as a plumber is not always easy – especially if you do not have an established customer base.

I think the best way to grow your business is to turn your first-time plumbing customers into repeat customers.

Here are six simple ways to expand your customer base and grow your number of second-time plumbing sales.

1) Identify Potential First-Time Customers In Your Area

The first step in expanding your business is to find people who do not already have a plumber they trust. For example:

  • People who have recently moved to your area from another location will probably not have a plumber but will need one.
  • Another group to target would be people who are dissatisfied with their current plumber.

Here are a couple of tips to help you find people who do not currently have a plumber they like:

  • Work with homeowners associations to include your business card in welcome packages to new condominium buyers.
  • Review online reviews that people have posted about your competitors. You can then reach out to those who had bad experiences.
  • Make a note of recent home sales in your area. Then make a note to drop your business card in their mailbox.

2) Update Your Website Regularly

Websites share a key similarity with water heaters: they need regular maintenance in order to work properly.

And if you do not already have a website, then it is time to take the plunge! Nearly 90 percent of searches for plumbers and other services beginning online. So if you have been ignoring your website, then you are losing out on customers.

The best way to make sure that your website is in good shape is to request a free SEO audit of your website. A website audit is similar to a preventative maintenance plumbing visit as it can help identify weak spots that need immediate attention. The result is a more efficient website that is more likely to show up on the first page of a search engine.

3) Sharpen Your Customer Service Skills

Strong customer service is the foundation of repeat business in the plumbing industry.

While your customers want their plumbing problems to be solved quickly, they also want to work with a plumber they like and trust. The specialists with Plumber Training Centre offer some straightforward tips to help you improve your customer service:

  • Become a good listener: Be attentive and look your customer in the eye when they are describing their plumbing issues.
  • Use your problem-solving skills: As a plumber, you may face several challenges at once. Stay calm and prioritize your tasks.
  • Communicate clearly: Be crystal clear when providing a quote and describing what your services include. 

4) Reach Out To Your Existing Customers

One of the easiest ways to grow your business is to draw upon your existing customer base. There are several ways you can do this:

  • First, you can offer them a discount for referring new customers to you.
  • Another good way is to offer a special rate on an annual maintenance package. Many customers are surprised to learn that they can save money and prevent problems if you screen for leaks, perform a water heater inspection, and check valves to make sure they work correctly.
  • Send out regular emails via a marketing automation system such as my preferred solution Active Campaign or the well-know Mailchimp.

5) Devote 30 Minutes Each Day To Social Media

No one expects a plumber to be a social media guru. And you definitely do not have to be an expert to grow your plumbing business through social media. But you should know that the majority of consumers will expect you to be active on social media – even if you are just a one-man operation.

So if you do not yet have a Facebook page, a LinkedIn profile, and a Twitter account, then it is time to swing into action and get your social media pipeline flowing!

Once you have established your social media sites, you should plan to devote at least 20-30 minutes each day to maintain them. Here are some ways you can do this:

  • Post photos of your happy customers
  • Post photos and commentary of jobs you have done
  • Feature testimonials of area customers who are pleased with your services
  • Respond to questions and comments from visitors
  • Spy on your competitors’ pages!

6) Show Your Customers You Value Them

Drains do not magically unclog on their own. And repeat customers do magically appear seeking your help.

You have to earn their trust and then show them that you value their business. There are a number of ways you can accomplish these goals, and many of these strategies will not cost you a thing. Here are a few ideas:

  • Simply tell them. Let every customer know that you are thankful that they contacted you. Tell them at the start of your visit and after you have successfully resolved their plumbing issues.
  • Educate them. Set yourself apart from other plumbers by educating your customers and giving them helpful maintenance tips. They will appreciate your helpfulness and will begin to view you as an industry expert. You can do this via your newsletter.
  • Show them. Special discounts, magnets with your contact information, and a short handwritten thank you note with an invoice are all examples of measures that will show your customers you are grateful for their support.
  • Follow up. Imagine how pleasantly surprised you would be if you receive a proactive follow-up call from your auto service provider. Well, that is how your customers will feel if you reach out a week after your visit to make sure their plumbing is still in good working order.

What Is The Single Best Way To Increase Your Repeat Business?

The tactics outlined above can put your plumbing business on the path to success. But if you are looking for the fast track to growth, then we invite you to contact me at LeadFuse today.

Our marketing experts have a proven track record of success helping plumbers expand their businesses.  With our services, you can grow your plumbing business by up to 3 times in as little as 12 months or more. And while we are growing your repeat customer base, you can focus on what you do best – provide top-notch plumbing services. I look forward to working with you!

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