Lead Generating Home Services Websites 

Get more leads and convert more of them to customers

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Brochure Sites vs Lead Generating Home Services Websites 

Getting traffic to your local business website is a challenge, and it’s expensive.  Worse still 98 of 100 visitors to most sites leave without contacting a business.

Tom's Website

Tom’s website looks fantastic with its beautiful website design, stock pictures and graphics. It summarises his services on the home page, lists the areas he services and has a contact us page and a phone number on the contact us page.

98 in 100 visitors who come to the site, leave again without contacting Tom's business.

Nick's Website

Nick’s  website also looks excellent, except it shows people who work in his business. It has details about each of his services, offers for the services, shows a prominent phone number in the heading, a booking form and live chat.

96 in 100 visitors who come to Nick’s site leave again without contacting Nick's plumbing business.


It’s only 2 in 100 different. But the big deal is that Nick’s lead acquisition cost is half of Tom’s so he's get a massive advantage.

A lead generating website is critical to success in marketing your plumbing business. The website for your home services business needs to work as hard as you do. It’s going to be your  24/7/365 virtual sales engine….not a brochure.

Our Website Strategy Service

We Help You To Optimise Your Websites For Results

Lead generating plumbing websites have several features that make them better than a brochure site at doing three things.

Deliver More Visibility In Google

If you don't show up on Google when potential customers are looking for a service you offer then you either miss out of traffic and visitors or have to pay for it via Google Ads.

Convert More Traffic To Enquiries

Higher visibility generates more traffic to your website. But the site needs to have built in conversion elements that get the visitor to contact you.

Convert Enquiries To Customers

People who become leads are not always in buying mode so you need to get them back to your website to reinforce any decision they might make.

Important Home Services Website Design Elements

User Focus

User focus involves understanding the needs of your website visitors and providing what they need, not just what you want to say. User focus means answering questions that run around in their head when they first come to the site:

  1. Am I in the right place?
  2. Can you help me?
  3. Why should I spend time looking further?

User Focussed

Good Design

Your site has less than 5 seconds to make a positive impression and answer the three questions above. So the design has to be top notch. And the messaging has to be right as well

Research shows that 75% of consumers admit to making judgements on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design. And because people form impressions fast, 94% of first impressions are design-related.

Quality content matters but not initially. 

Designed Well

Easy To Use

Some key things that your users are looking for are:

  • Your phone number is easy to find on all pages of your website.
  • It's easy to understand your services and what you offer.
  • Clarity that you are a real business. Practically this means pictures of you and your staff and your trucks, not stock photos.
  • An easy way to book a job with you.
  • That it's easy for them to understand what makes you better and different than your competitors.
  • Good clear Navigation

Clear and Simple

Social Proof

Social proof is essential to your website visitors. Nobody truly believes what a business says about itself these days. Instead, they trust what other people say about your business.

97% of people read online reviews for a local business (BIA/Kelsey)  and 93% of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions according to Podium

When it comes to your plumbing website design, it's important your online reviews and testimonials on many pages of the website not just lump them all onto a testimonials or reviews page.

what others say

Mobile Capable

The majority of visitors to your home services website are going to be on a mobile phone. This means your site needs to be mobile-responsive. Not only that, but because Google understands the importance of the mobile phone experience, they use the mobile version of your phone in ranking pages of your website for relevant search terms.

While mobile responsive web design is pretty much a given these days, it’s worth testing your website on the Google Mobile testing tool.

works on a phone

Fast and Secure

Most visitors to your website will be using a mobile phone on WiFi or mobile broadband. This means the speed your website is vital to your success in generating enquiries.

Website speed is a page by page thing, and each page needs to be optimised to get it to operate fast. The majority of people expect your website pages to load on their mobile phone in less than 2 to 3 seconds.

Your plumbing website also needs to be secure in that it is HTTPS not HTTP so communications to and from your website (especially forms) are secured. 

fast and ssecure

The Right Content - Structured Properly

When we build your website we start with they keywords that are appropriate for your business and location. We map those keywords to each page on your site.

Then focus on the many elements to make sure the SEO factors are dealt with so your customer and Google knows what services you offer. And in what location you offer those.

We build your website so it has the correct page structure to maximise visibility in Google so you get more visitors. 

We write and optimse pages for each of your services. It is not acceptable just dump all the services you offer onto one page. Each service you offer ultimately will need a page to describe the services you offer.

We write an optimse location pages for the locations you serve. It is essential that for every location that you service, there is a page that describes the services you offer in that location. These pages should be unique, which presents a challenge but is essential to do to help show up for searches like bathroom plumbing plus location.

The main cost of your plumbing website design is associated with writing and optimising content. This content will get you leads and customers for many years so it's an excellent investment.

optimsed content

Landing Pages

If you are intending to do PPC advertising like Google or Facebook advertising is often more successful to have specific landing pages for each of these marketing activities and for the services you offer in those.

For example, if you’re going to advertise on Google for bathroom plumbing, drain clearing and emergency plumbing then it’s vital to the success of your Google ads that the visitor goes to a page that is specifically about that singular topic ie one for bathroom plumbing, one for drain clearing and one for emergency plumbing.

These pages are designed to improve conversion from an advertisement about the same topic. This generally means that it’s not one of the pages of your website which have distracting elements like menus and other offers on them.

Your plumbing website design needs to be capable of operating landing pages. 

Ad Landing pages

A Traffic Generating Blog

And if you are thinking long term, you will need to publish content on your website from time to time, so a blog facility is also advisable.

Having blog capability makes it easy for you to post examples of the work you’ve done showing before and after pictures and describing what was that you did on the location that you carry out the job.

The extra content demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness of your business and your website. Google looks for this.

blog content

Ready To Get Your Website Working Harder?


Why Is My Website So Important?

Every business needs to invest in marketing and websites are the foundation of your marketing, so why not choose the smartest option and build a custom website design to support all of your marketing? Having a website is important to your business success;

  • 63 percent of consumers primarily use a company’s website to find and engage with businesses.
  • Research by YP and LSA found that, 30 percent of people automatically strike a business from consideration if they don’t have a website.
  • Research conducted at Stanford in 2002 found that 46 percent of consumers made their decision about a website’s credibility based upon its design, layout and typography.
  • According to Moz’s 2017 Local Search Ranking Factors, the top 10 factors for appearing in organic Google search results are related to a business’s website or domain. 

This is also true for home services businesses. Having an effective website is essential to standing out to these potential customers.

Having a well-designed, correctly populated, structured and optimised website helps you rank better in search engine results. This means if someone searches for “plumber near me,” your plumbing website site (for example) can be one of the first things they see in the results.

Your website also sets the first impression of you and your business, and 94% of the factors that impact that first impression are related to your website’s design.

If someone likes your website’s design and functionality, they’ll likely stick around longer and potentially become a customer. If your website creates a negative first impression, they may go to a competitor’s site instead.

Do you build and manage the website?

No. We will operate as your stategic guide on the process. We are do not deliver website design, development and hosting any more. These are not areas of expertise and you need to hire your own developer and hosting company. This is a better arrangement as you don't have to keep changing everthing if you decide you have finished with our services.

Who Writes And Produces The Copy And Content?

That's up to you. We provide strategic advice to get your website to perform.

Content is important. It's not just a simple matter of writing some content and hoping Google with think your website is the best answer to the question searchers ask.  You need a plan.

That's why we start with an analysis of keywords and search terms that are right for your business. And that's why we then create a map of the keywords to each page on the website.

Then we involve you to understand if you have any specific points to get across and we then write the content. We use a team of professional writers who have experience in writing about plumbing to write each page of unique custom content for your business.

Over the years, we have learned what it takes to make the content effective. We know what to include, and how to set it up correctly for Google and your customers to understand what your plumbing business does and your service locations.

So we can write the content for you, you can write the content yourself (and perhaps save some money - but not time) or you can hire it done. We will operate as your stategic guide on the process.

How Long Does It Take To Build My Website?

We don't actually build the website, so the timing is up to you and your web developer. Typically take 3-4 weeks to build a  website.

Frankly, the longest time is normally taken up by getting materials like your logo and getting approvals for design and content to go onto the website.

We are nimble with our strategy advice. It takes about a week to do the work to develop a website strategy and then we can turn around requests for input from you in 1-2 days.
